Shuffling Priorities

Shuffling Priorities
Photo by Jack Hamilton / Unsplash

Do you have things in your life that you think you enjoy doing but never seem to find the time to them? Does it feel like you can barely keep up with the things you have to do? Do you ever feel like giving up on the enjoyable things forever?

This is how the last 3 or so weeks have gone for me:

  • I went out of town for 4 days to visit a friend for her birthday;
  • The very next week I was a single parent because my husband was out of town for work all week long;
  • The week after that we took the kids on a vacation.

During weeks like the last 3, I have had moments when I wondered if I should continue with this blog. I really wanted to take time to write a few posts, but I got so busy with life that I didn't have time to work on anything. Has this really become more of a nuisance than anything else?

The answer is "No!" I have had to remind myself that I have no deadline. I have no requirement to write at a certain frequency. This is something I choose to do, but sometimes other things take higher priority. And that's ok!

I have many roles: I am a mother, a wife, a sister, and a friend. I love helping and being there for other people. Sometimes those roles take higher priority than blog writer.

We make choices every day, every hour, even every minute to prioritize our activities. We all wear many hats. Sometimes we have to set one hat on the shelf for a time while we shuffle other hats on and off. It doesn't mean that the hats on the shelf are unimportant. It just means that some hats take priority over others at certain times.

Don't get discouraged. Don't give up on the things you enjoy. Just remember: sometimes other things take higher priority in the moment.

BUT... you DO need time for yourself, especially for your brain. It just might not be as much time or as frequently as you would like.

Joy is possible.

Love ❤️, Jen


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